Our Key Services

Valuable Features
Accessibility Partners Canada logo, in the who we are section
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VPAT and Assessment Reports

We provide a comprehensive audit (Manual, User and Automated) against WCAG 2.2 guidelines to establish the current level of accessibility. We’ll plot key findings on a matrix of priority (low, medium, high) versus severity (Minor / To consider, Important, Critical), which will make it easy to see the overall accessibility picture for your website.

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Compliance Consulting and Risk Mitigation

We provide IASR, AODA Compliance Management Consulting (Plans, Policies, Statements) to address compliance gaps, assist in filing compliance reports with the Government to ensure that our clients are in full compliance with AODA legislation and IASR regulations. We assume full responsibility for any ramifications stemming from our compliance remediation services.

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Website Audits

We provide statistics on accessibility issues that are not aligned with the WCAG 2.2 principles of a website being Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust.

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Test Summaries

Our assessment report provides compliance “scores,” outlining each WCAG guideline and relevant success criterion to indicate whether or not the content abides with WCAG 2.2 success criteria making a website AODA compliant.

Trusted expertise in accessibility, innovation and compliance.

We will assume your non-compliance-related penalties and risks. Accessibility Partners is responsible for making over a million pages of Information and Communications accessible through testing, remediation, design, and development, mainly for the Government, including Finance, Education, Health, Transportation, Social Services, and Justice sectors. We provide VPAT accessibility services for organizations of all sizes, both government and private sector, providing products and services for ensuring AODA compliance requirements. We do this by conducting an iterative consultative analysis, mapping our findings to accessibility standards and legislated AODA compliance requirements and providing remediation recommendations and services.

Accessibility Remediation

Audits & Certification

Compliance Management

Accessibility Training

A picture of a group of people sitting together and working, in the home page section

Get Free initial Compliance consultation

We will take care of your accessibility compliance needs.